Update! It's been a while, and we've been crazy busy since school is coming to it's long-awaited close. First, some pics . . .

Okay, so here's the latest. The pregnancy pic is from 3 weeks ago, when I was at 33 weeks. Today, I am at 36, which is the start of the 9th month. They say the average pregnancy lasts 9.5 lunar months. That means if things go according to the average, Keely would be here in 14 days, or 2 weeks. Wow. Ironically, Keely doesn't have much more than that before our induction date on June 11. 5 days more than that precisely. Our last ultrasound revealed that she weighs in the vicinity of 5 lbs 11 oz, with an expected weight gain of 1 lb per 2 weeks. That ultrasound was done on May 11. Keely is getting big! How we are built to give birth to 7 or 8 lb babies is beyond me. As labor and delivery approaches, I find myself getting more excited and nervous. I am not nervous about being a mom. Really, I am not. I love the idea. I know that I will be a great mom. I trust that God has had his beautiful hands in this for a long time. And, He'll take care of us. I am nervous about labor and delivery, though. I used to tell myself and others that mind is more powerful than body. Because of that belief, I find that I am able to talk myself out of being sick, something my dad can do, too. I've been that way for a long time. I feel a cold coming on, and I just don't allow myself to get the cold or for the cold to last long. I am wondering if the same concept can apply to labor and delivery. Carl and I took childbirth classes this past month. The classes were more informative than I'd anticipated. I am glad we took them, though. Every week focused on a different aspect of pregnancy and post-partum. They showed videos of live births and way too many boobs for my personal pleasure (breastfeeding). When it came to the video about epidurals, I thought I was going to throw up. It was horrible! I was cringing. They combined that video with the one over cesarean, and again, I thought I was going to be sick. Cesarean didn't even show anything other than CG imaging. I told Carl that I did not want an epidural or cesarean. He's so good about telling me that I am strong enough to do without those if I really want to. My mom tells me to focus on breathing and relaxation in order to have a natural birth. Carrie did it with Ella. I guess what it boils down to is that I know I am strong. I have the ability to relieve stress or physical pain by picturing myself somewhere else or by squeezing something as hard as I can. I just don't like physical pain. So, we'll see how labor and delivery go. At this point, I am not planning on getting an epidural. I am planning on getting valid reasons if I am told I need to have a cesarean. I don't want a cesarean to be a matter of convenience. I'm not really planning a natural birth--I am being induced if Keely doesn't come on her own before June 11--but I am planning to limit pain meds. Encouragement would be nice for those of you that read this episode of our lives.
As for the other pics, they are from my baby shower. Carrie emailed me this cool slideshow that contained many more pics, most of which Carl and I were in. I can't figure out how to upload it, though. I just need to play around with it more. We're getting maternity pics made tomorrow. Carrie wants to go into professional photography, and she's building her portfolio. Anyone who needs pics taken should look her up. She's pretty good and has access to professional-grade equipment. I'm sure she'd be flexible about location and everything. Anyway, I will post those once they are finished and in my hands. School is coming to an end, and I couldn't be happier about that. This year has not been bad or anything. It's hard teaching and dealing with end-of-school-rowdiness when you're 9 months pregnant. The kids are probably as ready for school to end as the teachers. We got our TAKS test scores in this week, and the results were less than satisfying. My kids did wonderfully! I am so proud of them, honestly. Overall, however, the school's scores were not up to par, due to low scores in the area of science. I hate the way Texas rates schools! It is so completely unfair. I don't mind the TAKS test. I mean, I hate it, but I can deal with it. I just don't think it is fair for a school to be given a low rank when most of the scores in most areas were high (or average even) but one area was below state standard. Does that seem fair to you? It is completely biased. They are forcing special education kids to take a test that is not built for them. No Child Left Behind causes children to be left behind. They are forced to integrate into classrooms that teach on a level that is too high for them. They are forced to take a test that adheres to the higher level. Don't get me wrong . . . I fully believe that special education students are entitled to a fair education. They deserve the same chances that other kids get. I just don't think the system is just. My kids and co-workers work extremely hard all year. Not one teacher at my school neglects his or her responsibilities to the students. Even though there are many kids at my school that could care less about TAKS and their futures, a majority of the kids work hard. Self-confidence is lacking amongst the kids who do not try to rise above their circumstances. How could it not when they are being told by the media that only people who look a certain way or come from certain backgrounds have a shot at success? I hate the media for conveying such things to the youth. It is tough to be a kid these days. But, enough of my rant. I'll end on a happy note.
Yesterday, my niece, Ally, turned 5 years old. It is so hard to believe she is that old! In some ways, it is harder to believe she is 5 than it is to believe my oldest niece is almost 9. When Carl and I were experiencing all of our fertility problems, I found comfort in knowing that no matter what I will always be a big part of the lives of my nieces and nephews. They are what made everything okay. Watching them grow and learn, playing hide-and-seek with them, going to their birthday parties, and asking them how school is going are some of my favorite memories. I couldn't be prouder of them. I can scarcely imagine a greater feeling than being an aunt. That's why I am so excited to be a mom. Because I know that will feel even better. Carl and I are really looking forward to making such happy memories with our own daughter. Only 2 weeks and 5 days to go!