I've been so busy lately that I haven't had the chance to blog about the past month. Our little girl is 8 months old! Yes, eight. Isn't that crazy?! They say time flies when you're having fun, and whoever "they" are have made a believer out of me. I've been enjoying every second I have with Keely. I wish I had so many more seconds with her. So, what has she been up to?
Lots, actually. Lots and lots and lots. She grows so much each and every day. She laughs constantly and plays with her toys. When she is frustrated or not getting what she wants, she screams or does something to get my attention until I give in. Take this morning, for instance . . . I wanted to sleep just a little later, not even late, but Keely made up her mind that she was not going to let me. She was in the bed with me, because she woke up crying at 6:30 and I went ahead and fed her. So, when she decided she wanted me to get up, she started lifting her head up and smacking it on mine. Then, she would wiggle and wiggle until her feet were by my head and start kicking me. As if she didn't kick me enough when I was pregnant! It was kind of funny. I got onto her for it, though. She does know the meanings of the words "No" and "Quit." This went on for a little while, until I finally caved and got out of bed. Her favorite things right now are her toys, stuffed animals, mirrors, homemade oatmeal, and people food. She loves it when I make something for dinner that she can have, too. When we are eating, she throws a fit if she is not, even if it's not quite time for her to eat. She started feeding herself last month; not with a spoon or anything, just picking up little bits of food and putting them in her mouth. I was extremely proud when this started. She is very smart, has 5 teeth (fifth broke through on Thursday of this past week), and is defintely the sweetest little baby I have ever met. Of course, I am likely biased. Just a little while ago, I walked out of the bathroom after my shower to see Carl holding her, with her head laying on his shoulder and her eyes shut, completely asleep. I grabbed my camera right then. She's been sleeping through the night for several months, since she was four months old, but she has difficulty when she's teething. I am certain her fifth tooth broke through at around 1:00 AM on Thursday, because that is when she woke up crying and kept crying for a little while. I noticed the tooth when I was getting her ready that morning. I'd been keeping my eyes on it for a few days prior, knowing it would break through soon. At her thyroid appointment on January 25, she had her regular lab work. We found out she had not gained much weight, only an ounce actually, which sort of freaked me out. So, we started feeding her more and giving her food basically whenever she wanted it. She still has a schedule, but we just didn't really refuse her if she appeared to want a snack or something off our plates. Apparently it worked at least some, because when we had to take her to Dr. Stripling on February 9, she had already put on 9 oz, making her weigh 16 lbs. 3 oz. Still on the small side, but I'll take it. Also, we received notification that her dosage of thyroid medication needed to be increased. She now takes 1.5 tablets every night. I was pretty sad about it, but at least they know what's best for her. I am hoping and hoping that they won't have to up the dosage again for a while. Her next appointment with Dr. Varma will be April 20. I've already called in a sub for that day. I mentioned she had to see Dr. Stripling on the 9th. That was because she was sick. She was coughing this horrible, deep cough for a couple of days. Sounded like an adult coughing. I felt so sorry for her! Then, she was running a fever, so Carl picked her up from Carrie's and spent that Monday afternoon with her at home. I called in a sub for Tuesday and Wednesday, took her in on Tuesday, to find out she had bronchitis. No wonder she was miserable! Carl's mom stayed with her that Thursday, so I could get back to work. After 10 days of amoxicilin, she got over it. Her last dose was this past Friday, and she's doing great. It's always sad, though, when little ones get sick. We finally cleaned out my car at Quick Quack and took it to get a much needed oil change yesterday. Keely loved the Quick Quack. She was laughing and squealing in the back seat the whole time. It was adorable! Then, she got really tired of being in her seat, so I took her for a quick walk while Carl got the oil changed. She loved being outside on such a beautiful day. It was nice, and the breeze was catching her hair, which she really liked. Her hair is pretty blond, no curls yet, but getting long, considering she's only 8 months old. Carrie and I have put it in a little ponytail on top of her head, which is absolutely so cute. The other day when Tonya was keeping her, she was looking in the mirror and kissed her reflection. Carl and I were on a mini-date, seeing "Dear John," and Tonya called to tell me about it. Speaking of, if you haven't seen "Dear John," it is wonderful. I loved it, but of course, I was a huge fan of the book prior to seeing it on film. That's one of the best books I have ever read, and I was not at all disappointed by the movie, despite the few changes made. Just a side note. Back to Keely. She still takes a pretty long nap in the afternoons, ranging anywhere from 1.5 to 4 hours. That's what she's doing right now, actually. If we go anywhere in the evening, she typically falls asleep in the car. I've been reading to her a lot, and she seems to really like it. As you can imagine, she wants to grab the book out of my hands, but she does listen to it. We have sing time everyday in the car on the way home from Aunt Pete's. We sing all sorts of songs, and I swear, Friday she was singing with me. Not real words, but that doesn't really matter--they were real to her. Our repertoire of music includes: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Keely Star," "ABCs," "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "Blue Skies and Rainbows," "Fuzzy Caterpillar," "Little Birdie in the Apple Tree," "Keely Star," "Hey, Little Keely Girl," "Beautiful, Beautiful Keely," "Hello, Little Keely," "I Love You," "Tiny Little Keely," "One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians," "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," and probably some more that I can't think of at the moment. Somehow I convinced myself that I can teach Keely the ABCs by the time she is two. We'll see, but I do attempt to sing the ABCs every single day at least once. Then, I expanded my goal to include counting to ten by the time she is capable of saying the numbers. I set crazy goals for myself and our daughter. They don't mean anything, but they are things to work on.
We absolutely love our little peanut. It is amazing that we are capable of such deep love. Being her mom is by far the greatest feeling I have ever experienced. I thank God for the opportunity every night when I lay Keely in her crib for bedtime. We're not quite ready for number 2 yet, but we will be someday, because I know I want to do this at least one more time. So, here's to you, my Keely Star, my light. May you grow healthy and strong and lead a life in Christ's glory. Thank you for being everything I ever hoped for.
Pics to come later. In the mean time, check out my recently published article on Bright Hub at http://www.brighthub.com/education/k-12/articles/63847.aspx. Expect to see another link in the next couple of days, as I have submitted my second article and expect publication around that time. To my readers, thank you and please keep reading. I am now writing for five different channels on Bright Hub, including Parenting Infants and Toddlers, K12 Education, Preschool Education, Special Education, and Homework/Study Guides. I've only submitted in K12, but I plan to work on the other channels as time allows. Remember I claim to be no expert on anything. I am merely conveying my findings and experiences to people who are interested. Thanks again for being my audience. And, check back in a couple of days for the pics. I promise I will get them there. I just need to find my USB.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
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