So here we are at the start of the third trimester! Only 98 days until we'll get to meet our sweet baby girl! I cannot believe it's gone so quickly! Anyway, we've been working like crazy on the nursery. I thought I would post some pics of what we've done. Our first baby shower was given on Thursday, so I am including some pics of the loot. Work threw us and the 4 other couples who are expecting a joint shower. It was very, very nice, and we got some great stuff. My sisters and friends are throwing a second shower on May 9. Carl and I decided we have way too much stuff crammed into our cute, tiny house, so we're having a garage sale on the 20th and
21st to alleviate some of the crampiness. I plan to spend spring break on cleaning spree, since I won't get the opportunity to thoroughly clean my house again until school is out. I may or may not feel like cleaning it then, since I'll be less than a month away from delivery. Anyway, enjoy the pics!
Everything looks *very* sweet and wonderful! Good job Carl and Sarah!
I'm glad your work shower went so well! It only would have been better if I had been there. LOL! Anyway, the dresser looks so cute and so does the star border in Keely's room! Good job!
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