Okay . . . I finally broke away for a second to update everyone. After my doctor's appt. Tuesday morning, I was hopsitalized due to high blood pressure and other signs indicating pre-eclampsia. I had to be monitored all day Tuesday. Sweet Carl slept on the most uncomfortable couch in the room. We really didn't sleep at all that night. On Wednesday, they checked again to see if I had dilated any more, which I hadn't, so my OB gave the go ahead to start the induction process with Cervadil that night. Still being monitored like crazy. They had to draw blood, start an IV, check my vitals, and do Non-Stress-Tests periodically. After completion of the 24 hr. urine test, I was officially diagnosed with pre-e. Blah. Fortunately, my OB did not see this as an immediate need for a Cesarean. She told me she would probably have me take blood pressure meds after delivery and depending on how my blood pressure looked prior to starting the Cervadil, she would decide whether or not I needed to be on magnesium sulfate during or after the induction. She decided in the end that I didn't need it but did need the meds after delivery. More monitoring all day. Around 8, they wheeled us up to Labor and Delivery to start the Cervadil. They gave me some Ambien so I would sleep, and it helped a ton! I woke up at 6:15 Thurday AM when my water broke. It felt really weird, if I may say so. I woke Carl up and called for the nurse. She checked me and verified that it had broken but I had not dilated any more. Contractions started around 8 that morning, and they began Pitocin. They asked if I wanted an epidural, and I said no. More contractions. They increased and lengthened by 10. I thought I was dying. Another check. Cervix dilated to a 4, which was why I was feeling the contractions more. Carl was helping me remember my breathing techniques, which weren't helping me feel less. I was given Stadol, which made me sleepy but didn't relieve much of the pain. Carl's phone rang. My older sister told him to encourage me to get the epidural if he really thought I needed it. He thought I did. In my state of sleepiness, I told him to call the nurse and ask for an epidural. I gave in, but I didn't care. Those contractions hurt! The epidural didn't hurt, though. The nurse and anestesiologist teased me when I told them I had a fear of needles because they saw all of my tattoos. I fell asleep after that and didn't wake up until an hour and a half later. I was feeling pain on the right side of my body. Pain like the epidural didn't work on that side. More breathing. Nurse got worried because I thought I was dying again. I know . . . I'm dramatic. She called the anesthesiologist who put more meds in my IV. They also upped the dosage I was getting from my epidural. Still didn't help. By now, I was dilated to an 8. Another call to the anesthesiologist. Same thing. Upped dosage and gave more meds in my IV. Told me that if it didn't work this time, I was too far along to do anything about it. Fortunately, it worked. Dilated to a 10 within the hr. Started pushing at that point. I only had to push for about 30-45 minutes. Keely was born at 3:32 pm. She was hollering and hollering, but it was the sweetest sound I'd ever heard in my life. I was bawling as I held that little girl. I didn't want them to take her away to clean her up. Delivering the placenta sucked because my OB was pushing my stomach over and over to get it out. It was not a long process, though. Keely was still hollering. The second they handed her to Carl, though, she stopped. She knew her daddy. I told him all throughout my pregnancy that if he would talk to her, she would know him at birth. He did, and she did. Delivery went according to plan, aside from getting the epidural. Oh, and I had to have an episiotomy. They removed the catheter shortly after that, because I sort of lied and told them I could walk to the bathroom on my own. I mean, I could, but I was pretty wobbly. That catheter was so uncomfortable! I was monitored all through the night and next morning, but we got to go home Friday. Our first night home was tough because Keely was fussing all night. I don't regret losing sleep, though, because I got to bring my baby girl home. She's beautiful and healthy. We go to the pediatrician Monday at 8:30 for a weight and color check. I have to take blood pressure meds and can't drive for about 2 weeks. Other than that, I'm doing great, considering what I experienced. Carl and I are completely in love with Keely. Breastfeeding is hard, but I'm trying to hang in there. Oh, and Keely is so little that she has to wear preemie clothes. They are even a little big on her! It's absolutely adorable. Can you tell we're in love?

Hooray! She is a sweet girl and y'all make a pretty family. Nat and I were so thrilled to come and meet her. I have 3 sets of dinners sitting in my freezer waiting for y'all, so just let me know a good time (probably in the evenings) and I'll swing by and drop them off with you. Congratulations again!
I just love her! She's my favorite Keely! :) So glad you guys are home and doing well. It's hard being a mom, but once you learn how to function on NO SLEEP you'll be fine!
Sarah~I'm so thrilled for y'all. I know it's been a long and difficult journey getting to this point, but I know you'd say it's all worth it now. She's absolutely beautiful and I'm so happy for y'all! Congrats.
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