Don't I look sweet in green?!

I like to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy mostly, but my new frog is okay most of the time. It says, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on it.

Mommy says this is one of her favorite pictures. Aunt Mamy and Uncle X got this outfit for me.

My cousin, Ella, and I were twinkies on Wednesday. Mommy and Aunt Pete say Ella and I are going to be best friends, just like they are.

My cousin, Ally, likes to hold me. She is so sweet with me!

Mommy found this ridiculous but adorable bow for me to wear. Daddy didn't like it very much. Mommy didn't really care, though. Aunt Pete gave Mommy a ton of Ella's old hairbows, and she bought several more. Now, I have a bow that will match everything! Yay!
It's been a better week this week. I've grown up a bunch! Yesterday, I didn't cry much at all! I even decided to let Mommy and Daddy sleep most of the night last night. I only woke up so I could eat. Mommy and Daddy sure are proud of me. We are getting along great! Mommy took me to get weighed yesterday, and I am already 8 lbs. Here are some things about me that you might find interesting.
Name: Keely Star Kline
Birthday: June 11, 2009
Likes: Mommy's milk, my swing, blankets, cuddling with Mommy and Daddy, visiting Mam and Pop, my cousins, aunts, and uncles, stylish clothing, music, and my pacifier
Dislikes: waiting at the doctor's office, taking my medicine, and having my diaper changed
She looks just like a little can-can girl! Tell Carl his fashion sense blows ;)
Okay, she is seriously changing EVERY DAY! I don't think I can go without seeing her every day from now on. :)
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